Sklar provides a comprehensive, high quality selection of top of the line instruments for a wide variety of surgical specialties to meet the demands of your specialized clinical care. Choose from thousands of standard, premium and custom options to match your exact surgical needs. Below are links to all of Sklar products we offer, organized by Specialty. Click a button to see the wide selection of Sklar products we offer. 


Sklar offers a wide variety of general and specialty print catalogs. These catalogs are available at no charge to all qualified medical professionals. Click a button below to view the catalog. You can also request a specific catalog by contacting us today.

 General Surgery  Dental Animal Health OB/GYN OR Protection Electrosurgical Care & Cleaning Laparoscopic Physician Sklar Sterile Stainless Steelware Surgery Center Econo™ Sterile Female Patient Care Surgi-OR™ Female Patient Care Sklar Scientific

Visit the About Us page and fill out the form at the bottom of the page to request more information about equipment.

You can also contact us at 817-514-6725 or email at for more information.